As part of the European Urban Health Cluster ENLIGHTENme is calling on all interested stakeholders to come forward
ENLIGHTENme is one of the six EU projects that are part of the Urban Health Cluster (UHC), alongside URBANOME, RECETAS, HEART, WELLBASED and eMOTIONAL Cities. All these projects are funded under the same Call of the Horizon 2020 European Programme for Innovative Actions for improving urban health and wellbeing – addressing environmental, climate and socioeconomic factors.
The Cluster has set out to increase visibility of urban health research, to bring stronger contributions to policies such as the EU Urban Agenda and to facilitate international cooperation and synergies with other relevant initiatives on urban health. To this end the UHC is organised in working groups dedicated to the different research challenges for improving urban health and wellbeing.
UHC Working Group 1 deals with the translation of science for policy and practice and UHC Working Group 5 is concerned with dissemination, communication and exploitation. Science translation of research results is crucial for achieving projects impacts and ensuring that the most up-to-date, evidence-informed policies and practices are implemented to maximise wellbeing, public health and reduce inequalities. However, generating policy impact from research is challenging. Research evidence of similar quality often has different uptake in policy and practice and there is a significant lag time between research initiation and adoption.
We are calling on all relevant stakeholders such as practitioners, policymakers, etc. who are interested in participating in the process of translating research on urban health issues into practice.Therefore we would kindly ask you to fill out this survey to enable us to gather your interest in this activity.
Leaving your contact details means staying in touch with us and receiving relevant information on the results and progress of the Urban Health Cluster, news about important events to which you may be invited, such as workshops and other open events to disseminate methods tools, and research results.
We would be happy to hear from you!