Tartu City Government
Tartu, with its population of around 95,000 in an area of 154 square kilometres, is the second largest city of Estonia. Lying 185 kilometres south of Tallinn (the capital city of Estonia) it is also the centre of southern Estonia. The first written records of Tartu date from 1030. Tartu is often considered the intellectual centre of the country, especially since it is home to the nation's oldest and most renowned university, the University of Tartu (founded in 1632). Tartu region embodies wisdom – here you will find one of the best universities in Europe and many top-level scientific institutions and research laboratories. Intelligent people generate smart ideas and that is the reason why start-ups and smart manufacturing companies are booming here. Tartu is an innovative way thinking city where in 2000 was implemented 1st in the world a mobile parking, in 2003 a paperless governance, in 2005 1st e-elections in the world, in 2013 participative budgeting and many more things. Mostly known as a university town, Tartu is also a site of industry. The food industry has traditionally been important for the town's economy. In the beginning of the 21st century, many ICT enterprises and other high-tech companies (medicine, biotech, nano-technology etc.) have taken a foothold in Tartu. The university is one of the largest employers, which explains the large proportion of highly skilled professionals – researchers, professors, doctors.
Role of the institution within ENLIGHTENme
Tartu City is the project partner and one of the pilot cities, providing competences in public administration, data management, implementation of new technologies in public lighting and in the development of e-services. Tartu is actively participating in and contributing to all workpackages of the project. Tartu is mainly contributing for the development of City level Urban Lighting and Health Maps and multiscale 3D urban models. As a pilot city in Tartu will be established an Urban Lighting Lab, where will be tested innovative outdoor and indoor lighting solutions. Tartu is supporting the assessment of the impact of outdoor and indoor lighting innovations on entrainment of circadian rhythms and personal light exposure and assessing the cost effectiveness of the performed interventions. As a result of interventions will be created the Good practice Guidelines for ULL and created the Decision Support System. As a partner and pilot city, Tartu has an important role in implementing the project's communication and dissemination activities.