Chrono@Work B.V. is a spin-off of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and started in 2012. CEO is Dr. Marijke C.M. Gordijn. She has more than 30 years of experience as a scientist at both the department of Chronobiology and the department of Psychiatry at the University of Groningen. She participated as a university member in two large European Framework Programmes: BrainTime and EUCLOCK. In addition to Dr. Gordijn, three more scientists are currently working in the company as well as a laboratory technician and three interns.
Core business is science-driven training, consultancy, applied research projects and laboratory assessments in the context of 24-h rhythms, light, sleep-wake rhythms, and its role for wellbeing and health. The company is active in performing training and workshops at national and international meetings of e.g. psychiatry, sleep medicine, light & health, company health services etc. In addition, the company organises workshops and lectures on chronotherapy, treatment of sleep disorders, light for healthy aging etc. Knowledge dissemination is an important outreach area of the company, which resulted for instance in the development of a teaching module on healthy sleep and the role of light and darkness to high school students, called “Charge Your Brainzzz” sponsored by the Dutch Brain Foundation. The company is on a contract basis working on applied science projects in the context of light & health. With support of international funding, the company is also developing services to improve lifestyle and working conditions for shift workers, to prevent the detrimental health effects of working at the wrong time of day. Both laboratory studies, as well as field studies with humans are our expertise. There is a close collaboration with the GELIFES institute of the University of Groningen and this holds the possibility to use research facilities such as the time isolation facility for humans, and the (isotope) lab to perform chronobiological studies and analyse biomarkers. Analysing the 24h pattern of melatonin is a core business for (European) research groups, as well as for sleep clinics. Marijke Gordijn is also voluntarily working as a board member of the non-profit foundation, the Good Light Group, whose main objective it is to stimulate the use of Good Light indoors. In addition, Marijke Gordijn is president of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms.
Role of the institution within ENLIGHTENme
C@W is an SME involved in the biomedical trial design. C@W participates in work package 3 of the project providing its competences in performing chronobiological field studies in humans. C@W also analyses the saliva samples to determine Dim Light Melatonin Onset as a phase marker of the biological clock.