Gate 21
Gate 21 is a non-profit organisation that works to promote green growth and a green transition in the Greater Copenhagen region through local and regional projects. It brings together local and regional authorities, utilities suppliers, private companies and research institutions to develop and distribute sustainable solutions. Gate 21 has presented concrete strategic paths forward for cities’ green transition and offers a stable, proven platform for public-private innovation and cooperation.
Role of the institution within ENLIGHTENme
Gate 21 is responsible for the Board of Lighting Companies, with designers, manufacturers, urban planners and entrepreneurs. The purpose of the Board of Lighting Companies is to actively include the knowledge and experience of companies, working with indoor and outdoor lighting. The engagement of lighting companies will qualify the efforts and results of the project. Further, the Board is established to strengthen dissemination and boost the outreach of results and raise awareness of the importance of the topic among sector enterprises.