Health City Institute
Founded in 2016, the Health City Institute (HCI) is an Italian think tank, a space for study, in-depth study and comparison which deals with issues relating to the health determinants in cities, in an anticipatory and guiding role for health improvement processes in urban contexts. HCI offers local institutions and administrations a place for public debate and food for thought that can be transformed into concrete public policy proposals, thus allowing the population of cities around the world to adopt lifestyles that make them less vulnerable to diabetes. HCI has set up a Board of Experts for Data Analysis, made up of experts in multidisciplinary fields, in charge of exploring the points of the Manifesto “Health in the cities: a common good” in Italy.
Areas of investigation of HCI concern: globalization of health, determinants of health in metropolitan cities and large cities, aging of the population, chronic diseases (CDs and NCDs), the relationship between urbanisation and health, analysis of the economic-health, sociological, clinical-epidemiological and political-health context in urban environments.
HCI is the leading partner, in Italy, of the global initiative Cities Changing Diabetes involving Milan, Rome, Turin, Bologna, Genoa, Bari, Naples, Reggio Calabria, recently inserted in the EU portal of best practices. It organises the annual international event “Rome Health City Forum - Creating the world of tomorrow” and it publishes a magazine called URBES. Together with the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), HCI activated a professional course for under 35 Health City Managers, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sport, based on a validated core curriculum vitae. At EU level, HCI is a partner of the H2020 consortium for the Project “ENLIGHTENme” and “SONAR-Global”. At national level HCI created a special permanent Observatory, the C14+, on health, wellbeing, environment and sport.
Role of the institution within ENLIGHTENme
The Health City Institute contributes its competences in promoting urban health holistic approach, dissemination of the project, co-planning of the training programme for Health City Managers. Activities will exploit HCI expertise on the topic, being the first Italian think tank focusing on health and wellbeing in the urban context. Specifically HCI will contribute to:
- Work package 4: the promotion of Workshops within a number of Italian cities or cities networks, providing them with the Guidelines
- Work package 6: the co-creation of the training programme for Health City Managers, in terms of contents and case studies.
HCI will also play a role in the dissemination of the project and of guidelines emerging from that, presenting them during its national and international conferences and seminars.

- Address
- Piazza Santi Apostoli, 66
00186 Rome
Italy - Online
- Website