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Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting

Urban Light, Urban Life: Shaping Healthier Cities

Project partner ICLEI features ENLIGHTENme research findings during upcoming event:

The 46th edition of ICLEI’s flagship Breakfast at Sustainability's series will highlight how urban policies can produce healthier outcomes for citizens, with a special focus on the role of urban lighting. The event will take place on 29th of January 2025 at 09:30-12:30 CET at ICLEI’s office in Brussels, Belgium or online.

The event will highlight how health, wellbeing and inclusivity can be integrated into European urban planning policies to improve the quality of life in cities. Building on the experiences of the EU-funded ENLIGHTENme project, participants will also learn more about the role of innovative urban lighting in fostering safer and healthier urban environments in the context of the EU’s sustainability goals.

Aiming to research, develop and validate innovative solutions to support innovative urban lighting policies and guidance for better health in cities throughout Europe, the ENLIGHTENme project collected evidence about how urban lighting impacts human health and wellbeing. Based on examples from cities such as Tartu (Estonia), Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Bologna (Italy) the project will show how its work fits broader European efforts to achieve healthier outcomes for its citizens.

Full programme
09:30 – 10:00 Welcome coffee & croissants
10:10 – 10:35 Keynote speeches
10:35 – 11:20 Panel discussion Urban Light, Urban Life: Shaping Healthier Cities
11:20 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:10 Roundtable discussion with the audience: Illuminating Urban Futures: Quality of Life in Focus
12:10 – 12:25 Q&A Session
12:25 – 12:30 Closing remarks

Speakers include:
Raimond Tamm - City of Tartu
Marzia Bettochi & Francesco Mattia Rubini - City of Bologna
Jasmine van der Pol - LUCI Association
Elisa Contilcelli - University of Bologna
Don Slater & David McDaid - London School of Economics
Ingrid Stegeman - Eurohealthnet

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